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A. For Semester 1 2025 the following pay rates will apply:
For Example:
Example 1: The average rate for an item is calculated at 20 per hour ($4.46 per item)
Number of items scored in 1 hour | Item rate | Pay for 1 hour |
20 | $4.46 | $89.25 |
22 | $4.46 | $98.12 |
18 | $4.46 | $80.28 |
Example 2: The average rate for an item is calculated at 80 per hour ($1.12 per item)
Number of items scored in 1 hour | Item rate | Pay for 1 hour |
80 | $1.12 | $89.60 |
90 | $1.12 | $100.80 |
70 | $1.12 | $78.40 |
Example 3: The average rate for an item is calculated at 33 per hour ($2.71 per item)
Number of items scored in 1 hour | Item rate | Pay for 1 hour |
33 | $2.71 | $89.43 |
41 | $2.71 | $111.11 |
21 | $2.71 | $56.91 |
****The examples above are for illustrative purposes only, actual pay rates for each item will be calculated at the end of the marking****
A. There are a number of factors that will influence how quickly, or slowly, an item can be marked that need to be taken into consideration, including how candidates respond to each question. Some of this information is available before the marking weekend. However, to ensure that fair rates are applied, so that the majority of markers will earn a similar amount to what they have in previous marking events, the rate is calculated once the marking is completed.
A. A 20-minute morning and afternoon break will be incorporated into your calculated item rate for each full contracted day that you work. There will be no remuneration for lunch breaks.
A. The same quality controls will be in place that were there for the previous semesters; Supervisors, Group Leaders and Chief Examiners all have a role in ensuring the quality of marking over the course of the marking period. Marker accuracy and speed will be monitored as part of the quality controls.
A. Yes. Markers, Supervisors, Group Leaders and Chief Examiners will be paid for the scheduled duration of training times.
A. Item Training: The time is recorded from the start of the training session to the start of practice scripts. Practice scripts and qualification scripts are included in the total number of items scored and are paid at the item rate.
Content/General Training: The time is recorded from the start to the end of each session where the whole group is being addressed.
A. 22 May 2025. If you are new to Pearson, then we will need to have received all your completed new hire documents before the marking weekend to be included in that pay cycle.
A. A 20-minute morning and afternoon break will be paid for. There will be no remuneration for lunch breaks, however catering will be provided.
A. The segment that you will be assigned to will, wherever possible, be your first choice that you put on your application. If your first choice cannot be fulfilled, we will use your second (or potentially third choice) to assign you to a segment.
A. No, it is a requirement for new markers and markers that have only marked for two semesters to mark from the Marking Centre. Markers who have not marked since S2 2021 will also be asked to mark from the Marking Centre.
A. These are the basic computer requirements for the purposes of home marking:
System Type: PC
Operating System: Windows 7 or later
Display requirements: 1366 x 768 minimum resolution*
Internet Browser: Google Chrome (recommended)
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
System Type: Mac
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.10 or later
Display requirements: 1366 x 768 minimum resolution*
Internet Browser: Google Chrome (recommended)
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
Network: Broadband (2.5 Mbps or higher)**
*Due to resolution and display requirements, tablets (including iPads) are not supported.
** No reimbursement is available for data usage.
A. No, it is a requirement that you mark from a secure area in your own residence. Training and marking contents are confidential and are not to be seen by anyone else but the marker.
A. No, it is a requirement that you mark from within Australia for security purposes.
A. Marker training will be conducted online using Zoom. More information regarding this platform and your login details will be provided a couple of weeks prior to the marking weekend.
A. Current training dates and times below:
Segment | Marker Training Date and Time | Supervisor Training Date and Time |
Ethics and Governance | Friday 2 May 6.30pm - 9.00pm | Friday 2 May 12.00pm - 6.30pm |
Strategic Management Accounting | Friday 2 May 6.30pm - 9.00pm | Friday 2 May 12.00pm - 6.30pm |
Global Strategy and Leadership | Friday 2 May 6.30pm - 9.00pm | Friday 2 May 12.00pm - 6.30pm |
Australia Taxation - Advanced | Friday 2 May 6.30pm - 9.00pm | No supervisors for ATA |
Australia Taxation | Friday 2 May 6.30pm - 9.00pm | Friday 2 May 12.00pm - 6.30pm |
*Dates/times subject to change.
A. Marking will begin on Friday night once the training is complete. Marking will continue Saturday and, if required, marking will continue on Sunday.
All markers must have availability for all three days in case their subject requires marking on the Sunday. During breaks, all access to eMARK will be locked.
Segment | Marking Dates |
Ethics and Governance | Friday 2 May: completion of marker training - 9.00pm Saturday 3 May: 9.00am - 5.00pm (or earlier) Sunday 4 May: 9.00am - marking completion |
Strategic Management Accounting | Friday 2 May: completion of marker training - 9.00pm Saturday 3 May: 9.00am - 5.00pm (or earlier) Sunday 4 May: 9.00am - marking completion |
Global Strategy and Leadership | Friday 2 May: completion of marker training - 9.00pm Saturday 3 May: 9.00am - 5.00pm (or earlier) Sunday 4 May: 9.00am - marking completion |
Australia Taxation - Advanced | Friday 2 May: completion of marker training - 9.00pm Saturday 3 May: 9.00am - 5.00pm (or earlier) Sunday 4 May: 9.00am - marking completion |
Australia Taxation | Friday 2 May: completion of marker training - 9.00pm Saturday 3 May: 9.00am - 5.00pm (or earlier) Sunday 4 May: 9.00am - marking completion |
*Dates/times subject to change.
A. There will be several different ways to contact your supervisor; detailed information will be provided prior to the marking weekend.
A. Opportunities may arise to work on additional segments to assist in the scheduled completion of marking. In this event, time spent outside of training and marking will not be paid.
A. Yes, successful applicants who attend the whole marking event are entitled to claim CPD hours as per below:
A. No, you are not required to bring your own device. Computers are provided onsite for markers to use during the marking weekend. However, we do encourage you to bring a mobile phone or another device for Zoom verification over the weekend. You will need to sign in to your personal Zoom account and this may require authentication on your phone or relevant device.
A. This semester marking will be conducted as a distributed marking. All experienced markers (two or more Semesters marking experience) will be marking from home while supervisors and new markers (less than three semesters marking experience) will be marking from the Pearson Marking Centre in Nunawading:
Unit 4, 100 Station Street
Nunawading, 3131
A. Yes. You are required to apply to confirm that you are available and willing to commit to the dates for marking. Reapplying should take only a few minutes as you will have an existing profile in our recruitment system.
Please note that for S1 2025, pre-approval is conditional on you meeting your financial and membership obligations.
A. Yes. Reapplying confirms your interest in CPA Marking S1 2025 and provides an opportunity to update your details. Reapplying should take only a few minutes as you will have an existing profile in our recruitment system.
A. See key recruitment dates below for the marker and supervisor roles
Item | Date |
Recruitment applications open | 28 January |
Applications close | 3 March |
Offers of employment start to be sent to successful candidates | 7-11 April |
Successful candidates to complete any missing recruitment documentation | 11-24 April |
Recruitment completed of supervisors and markers | 24 April |
A. Markers are allocated to segments based on their previous experience, suitability for the segment, information we receive from CPA, and availability of places. Every effort is made to allocate markers to their first, second, or third preference - however on occasions where a particular segment requires more markers, suitably qualified markers will be allocated to a segment that was not part of their three preferences.
A. Roles are allocated based on previous experience, suitability for the role, information from CPA and availability of places. Unfortunately, we do receive more applications than there are positions available, and those who are not successful are put on a reserve list.
A. Yes, please check periodically for up to date recruitment information.
A. If you are successful all new hire and payroll documentation will need to be received electronically. Detailed instructions will be provided to successful markers.
A. Please refer to the General FAQs for Casual Staff page for further information regarding this.
A. In the first instance, please check FAQs found here:
A. Feel free to contact our team through any of the contact details listed below: